MJ 2020 Test Results
Test results You can only wait so long for unpaid people to respond to your request of completing the form you provided to compile the...

What's Cooking!
Glad you asked. Armed with the assistance and knowledge from a member of the Canadian Cannabis Cultivators site, Will Donaldson, I made...

Spring Forward
The excitement of Spring has had a damper put on it in the name of Corona Virus, alias COVID-19. So many things you take for granted are...

Fall is coming!
In this blog I will be showing pictures of the vegetable and pepper gardens, with pictures of some of the peppers that are still in full...

Don't cut this Grass Yet!
Don’t cut this Grass Yet! Its Me! Not Arte Johnson The Marijuana plants are still going strong. The growth has not been as rapid on the 3...

Heat and Rain, recipe for growing!
Too hot to be outside for too long, work shift got cancelled, good time to update the garden blog. We now have 4 Tamarix planted in the...

Big Baby
Big Baby Garden update: I think the rapid growth this year is for a number of reasons. I did have the opportunity to prepare the soil...

Outside for Baby!
Yes I have been cussing the rain, but I do seem to be cutting the grass far too often! But then I look at the garden, and all is...

What to Grow?
What to Grow? Definitely will cut back on the number of pepper plants I have this year, probably only a couple sweet and a couple of hot....

Spring...not soon enough!
Spring is coming, it’s right over that next mountain. Whoever said this had been telling the truth. I can honestly say that I have had...