Fall is coming!
In this blog I will be showing pictures of the vegetable and pepper gardens, with pictures of some of the peppers that are still in full...

Heat and Rain, recipe for growing!
Too hot to be outside for too long, work shift got cancelled, good time to update the garden blog. We now have 4 Tamarix planted in the...

Big Baby
Big Baby Garden update: I think the rapid growth this year is for a number of reasons. I did have the opportunity to prepare the soil...

Outside for Baby!
Yes I have been cussing the rain, but I do seem to be cutting the grass far too often! But then I look at the garden, and all is...

Hostas and Peppers
Hostas and Peppers: I thought it would be easier if I just reviewed a couple of plants from the gardens with each blog. Mostly pictures,...

Wedding Countdown!
Took a look in the mirror, definitely time to get this butt back in motion! Using the Hip as an excuse is easy, but now both the Doctor...

Hate to admit to lazy, so I have had sufficient time to assemble what I hope is enough excuses! Yes I should have posted a garden update,...

Hip Hip Hooray!
Hip Hip Hooray/Garden Ok, it’s been awhile, I have been very busy, not really doing that much. My time seems to be taken up doing, and...

Garden Update 6/28
No Rain. spells… Garden Update 6/28 But before the Veggies! I wanted to share a picture of a small garden I set up last year under the...

Light Green Thumb
Garden as of June 12, 2017 One thing for sure, it is easier to explain how the garden is doing by providing pictures. Having said that,...