MJ 2020 Test Results
Test results You can only wait so long for unpaid people to respond to your request of completing the form you provided to compile the...

What's Cooking!
Glad you asked. Armed with the assistance and knowledge from a member of the Canadian Cannabis Cultivators site, Will Donaldson, I made...

Gardening in the HEAT!
With the pool reno taking longer than expected, coupled with the very high temperatures we have experienced. Gardening has been taking...

How's it Growing?
It seems every blog starts the same way! Excuses, excuses… why I haven’t posted a Blog earlier. Well this time, the primary excuse is...

Spring Forward
The excitement of Spring has had a damper put on it in the name of Corona Virus, alias COVID-19. So many things you take for granted are...

Weeding in December
Weeding in December: Now that the harvest is done. It’s time to use it. There definitely is no shortage of YouTube videos for what I...