What Happened?
What Happened! Well, I needed to get a new Blog up, and then realized that I had a lot of areas to cover. I definitely need to sit down and do a few at once, but now the weather is getting better I seem to be drawn outside, getting the winter out of the backyard and getting ready for the Sunny Weather. So in an effort to keep your attention let me give you a peek at a few of the topics I will be covering in future blogs.
On the Political front I still have not completely cleansed my soul on the issue of immigration and the impact it has on so many other government departments, Our troops abroad, are they necessary? Could Canada self-sustain itself?
Sports! CFL or NFL, the value of Unions in sport, What the hockey playoffs really do! Did I touch on Salaries, and life after sport. I will also be making regular updates to my GOLF progress and goals, my new philosophy and why it WILL (I hope) work! Short sidebars related to the Wednesday Men’s Club, and a few close to home golf experiences like “The Little” or the “That’s good.” Why the wind is seldom my friend but often my excuse.
Driving- my observations of the quality of driver on todays’ road, and their cavalier approach to sharing the road with me, or better examples may be their (in)ability to park and/or navigate in close quarters.
The battle between Baby Boomers and Millennials
Going to put a concerted effort in giving you regular updates into my attempt at Gardening :
setting up planters, choosing the crop (fancy term for the couple of vegetables I will be trying to grow and not kill), the progress, and hopefully yield. Hoping to not embarrass myself when it comes to the success of my first attempt at GARLIC, provided to me by a fellow golfer who prides himself on the size of his… crop!
Couple of quickies: Spoke of “OLD MAN!” in a previous blog. I never felt I could talk about my Dad using that expression as a replacement. I have always felt compelled to tell anyone that uses it that they should never speak of their father in those words. To me it is a show of disrespect! Wow, I feel better writing this one down!
Give this idea a thought for future discussion, “Driverless Vehicles” Pros, Cons, Lost Jobs, Saved Lives, Car Insurance,
Better run for now, the garden is calling me!