Gardening- the Long Haul

Now that I am retired it was suggested that gardening was a great way to fill your time. Now remember the people telling me this are not privy to the fact that I fear I have been able to kill plastic plants!
This will be a continuing story as long as I still have something growing…
Not wanting to get too crazy I thought that a good start would be a raised garden, not too big, should be manageable, perfect. Wrong, my daughters dog Penny views the garden as her own private digging hole. Enter the makeshift barrier, with the ability to be opened, so I can get in to be relaxed pulling weeds, pruning, watering, don’t forget plant food, and hopefully “The Harvest” TIC
I added two platforms on the ends of the gardens.

This is where I will have 2 large planters for my tomatoes and zucchinis. Last year I planted a couple of different peppers in a small container on the deck. I was amazed at how quickly they grew and the number of peppers the plants produced, so I thought it would be fun to try growing those again, enter raised garden number 2. Scouring pages of ads I found the one I was certain would serve my purposes at Home Depot. I must admit my online ordering skill has improved immensely since I discovered Amazon, and all the perks of being a Prime member. So becoming a Home Depot online shopper seemed logical as well. Until… I find that the product is “Not in Stock.” Eventually the status is updated to “In Stock”, finish that order and wait for the doorbell acknowledging the UPS guy has been and gone. Assembly was easy, even for me, and I was ready to get my garden bed outlined for the peppers I want to grow

. I think I will try regular Green Peppers and then a couple of the more flavored varieties that I grew last summer.
I will keep you current with the progress and hopefully not the veggie obituaries. Next up will be about, everything is planted and I have gotten the wild flowers planted at the rear of the yard I an attempt to help the BEES, also left those ever popular spring lawn friends with the yellow heads for now to help the BEES!
Will also keep you up to date on the garlic progress, if I do get the shrubs moved, or the new ones planted I will discuss this for you too. See Raised Pepper Garden and a photo of the garlic breaking ground.