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Episode 3 Grow Garden Grow

Not much new from the last update, everything still seems to be progressing, I will get some up to date pictures once the weather clears to allow me out there again. Boy, have we ever had an abundance of rain this year already. A little suspicious that the “Big Guy” upstairs is looking out for me and keeping my gardening attempts alive and well.

I have branched out and replanted some flowers and herbs for my youngest daughter, she had some lovely lilies

Lilies from a student

given to her by one of her dance students, and herbs always grow and look better in a Terra Cotta planter

Even more exciting is the introduction of the Pink Blossom Tamarix to our backyard. Since we had the 2 ash trees and the rocket Juniper from behind the pool removed it looks quite different. We saw a mature Tamarix at my brother in laws house. A non-native, invasive that grows as a tree or a scrub.

Hope to be able to show some regular pictures of the growth and blooms, for now, here she is


The Zucchinis are flowering, the cucumbers are sprouting, the beans are getting nearly tall enough to be introduced to the climbing mesh I have set up. After the winds lopped off the top of one of my peppers it seems to be rebounding. All of the peppers are growing quickly and flowering. I promise to get more pictures soon to show you the progress.

One thing I was hoping for was more traffic onto the site. I have started to post on Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin in an attempt to increase viewers, appreciate if you can spread the word as well.

Don’t forget to download a copy of the Bucket List form I have provided on my home page, I would be interested in finding out what some people have on theirs, mine is already there for viewing

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