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Hip Hip Hooray!

Hip Hip Hooray/Garden

Closest Bitmoji I could find! Hit s/b HIP

Ok, it’s been awhile, I have been very busy, not really doing that much. My time seems to be taken up doing, and re-doing too many things to gain traction.

I have a final date for my hip replacement (YAHOO!), I am getting it done on August 2. The history behind the date is a major part of my recent inactivity. This hip has been 10 times more painful than my first hip I had replaced over 12 years ago now. The discomfort and reduced mobility has been very frustrating. So frustrating, I had gotten another referral to see a doctor in Toronto date for my preliminary meeting is set for July 10th. As well I had looked into getting the replacement done in the Caymen Islands. The total cost in the Caymens is approximately 20,000.00 CDN, by the time you pay for the surgery, return flight, and a 2 week stay. Didn’t really have a spare 20 kicking around, but had not ruled this out. After going thru all of this preliminary leg work, Murphy’s Law reared its ugly head. I receive a call from my original surgeon with a date (Aug. 30th) I have to go and sign all the papers at the surgeons office. When I arrive I get to see the Doctor for a moment as I still had concerns about the status of my hip and leg in general. I tell him that I am having difficulty getting a decent sleep as the pain is continuous this time and I am concerned how much my leg muscles are deteriorating with the lack of use. His suggestion, for the sleep is 20 year old scotch. I immediately ask for a prescription, but that is declined (PITY). I tell him I was looking into the Caymens and he tells me that he knows of doctors from here that go there regularly to perform the surgeries. I ask that he keep me in the cancellation list, and he agrees. His nurse tells me I need to arrange an appointment with my doctor for a physical and that I require more recent pictures of my hip. Figure I may as well go to the Toronto referral appointment, just in case they have an earlier opening. Get the appointment with my doctor set for the 3rd week of July, everything seems to be falling into place. I no sooner get this appointment arranged and I get a call from the surgeons nurse. They have an alternate date, Aug 2nd, she asks if I want it. Duh, does a bear $#@# in the woods, of course I want it. This is when I have to start juggling everything, change my doctor appointment earlier, cancel the referral appointment. To me that seems easy enough, but dealing with the ever popular phone mazes of today, getting to the correct extension to cancel and/or change an appointment is worthy of being a college course (Phone Systems 101). Everything in place, now the wait, for goodness sake, the second hand takes forever to go around even once!!! With the new improved date, I should be pretty much back to action by Katie’s Wedding. However there was one more casualty, I was to go to Wrigley Field (BUCKET LIST ITEM) in August with Matt, to see the Jays. Again back to cancellation mode for the tickets and the room. A little long winded, but I wanted to justify my negligence in regular updates, as per my reading from the bloggers bible, BLOGGING FOR DUMMIES! You must have a regular schedule to maintain and grow your readership. I beg, don’t leave me, there are so few of you already. Who wants a garden update? Mostly pictures with a few interjections. The content explains my failed first attempt on Radishes, Yellow leaves on the zucchinis, mushrooms popping up in the garden overnight and a varmit that felt it necessary to dig under our porch.

Above are Pepper Pictures, Second shot, Ghost Pepper (Very Hot!) last

3 are Green, Red, and Orange Peppers

Failed radishes, planted again and they have already broken ground, Beans, Zucs, Cucs, a Zuc growing in my tomato, the mushrooms, and finishing up with the Varmit hole, Exterminator coming today to resolve this, not sure what it is.

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