Getting back on track
The Hip is becoming old news, the garden is winding down. I will give you the précis version on the hip

This is a staple, it and 29 others held my leg together after the Operation, had a picture of them all, figured this would be better. Since then I have gone back for a new x-ray and received 2 thumbs up. Don’t need the cane any more, leg still has some weakness, but it is improving well.
Don't have to see the doctor for a year!
On the garden front, the zucchinis were doing great, then they weren’t , then I got them coming back and growing like crazy, then they started looking weak again and although I had tons of flowers blooming, I did not get a lot. The tomatoes seemed to be going slowly and then they took off, and then the cucumber attacked one of the tomato plants as it out grew the tomato cage I had around it, it climbed up the mesh at the back of the garden and then attached itself to the cage around the tomato, it then felt it necessary to wrap around the tomato plant. It seemed to be choking the plant and today I got it unwound from the tomato and relocated along the mesh fence behind the garden.

Hope the tomato recovers, the cucumbers are growing like weeds. The radishes I planted were a bust. The garlic was a success, and the peppers have been a little slower than I expected, but with the warm weather the last couple of days, they all seem to be sprouting again.
One more item to end this blog:

44 years is a long time for my lovely wife to put up with me.
love always Dave