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Wedding Countdown!

Took a look in the mirror, definitely time to get this butt back in motion! Using the Hip as an excuse is easy, but now both the Doctor and Therapist have given me the Ok to get back to the Gym. Yes, they both said in moderation, but I need to get some tone and strength into this ever aging temple.

I do have some unfinished business, my first attempt at a garden this year I would say, has been a success. I have enjoyed watching the progress as well as the problems. I need to ready the garden for the spring, so I will be pulling the plants, fertilizing the soil, planting my garlic for next year (yes, still a little early for this), and mulching the beds. My biggest problem is all of the pepper plants seem to have caught their second wind and are producing peppers at a rapid rate. I am researching how to bring them inside for the winter, but I think I wouldn’t give them the care and attention they require. Will try to pawn off my ghost pepper on my oldest daughter. She has more experience than I do.

On the left, is the Ghost Pepper, very healthy and needing a good home (JOEY)

on the right, My Canada Day Dahlia did finally give me 2 blooms, sorry the one is fading, i waited hoping they would both look good

It’s not that I have been doing nothing. I have had a number of wedding projects

I tasted the craft beer from 2 other provinces. One thing this has shown me is that I don’t drink that much, this is still the Canada day beer I bought. In my defense, the Canada Day dahlia has only just recently bloomed! See picture above to Justify

Both of these beers were enjoyable, however I would not purchase a case of either.

Before I go, I have a couple of quicky rants: When I was young I did not think about the number of Red Lights I had to stop at. Now that I am older, I think of these lights as only stealing the grains of sand out of my hourglass of life! And the a$$ that dawdles through the intersection, causing me to have to stop is not my friend! Dear drivers in general: PAY Attention to the other cars around you too!

Yes that also means the SOB’s that don’t use their signals, more sand lost!

Taking the Knee- definitely can be argued with 2 very different viewpoints.

Started as a statement to expose Police Brutality against Blacks, but has evolved into disrespecting the flag, the military and the country. My original thought, not the right time or place, the sports team (Employer) expects his players (Employees) to be respectful to the rules, even the unwritten ones, while representing their employer. This is quickly countered by 1st amendment Rights (Freedom of Speech). Which I affectionately call Lawyers getting richer

A wise man (my Dad) once told me something that stuck with me. My Dad left school early and went to work at Goodyear Tire. The war broke out, he enlisted and served his country with pride and returned to Goodyear after the war ended. Goodyear was the only company he worked for before retiring. Retiring before 60 was too much and he asked me to find him a job when they returned from Florida. I had found him a job, but he wanted to check out working at the courts as first a commissioner and then a sheriff.

When he worked at Goodyear, he had many people working for him with many ethnic and religious beliefs. That did not change his way of thinking, he treated the workers based on their performance and effort to their jobs.

My Dad did not consider himself a prejudicial person, but after working at the courts he saw over 90% of the crimes before the courts involved Blacks. He admitted his mindset was altered. Is this the same scenario in the United States? I am a country away, but see this getting too much traction, when there are far more desperate problems that need attention.

Suggestion: President Trump - SHUT UP!

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