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Spring...not soon enough!

Spring is coming, it’s right over that next mountain. Whoever said this had been telling the truth. I can honestly say that I have had enough of the cold for this year. It seems as if I was captive in my own home for much of February, partially because of the weather, and partially because I am, how do you say… a suck. Started taking apart a couple of pallets for my Xmas Tree pallet project and came to the realization that my garage in the winter is bloody cold! Put the pallet dismantling on the back burner for now. This blog is going to be a collection of non-related ramblings about a host of topics. Brought to you in point form.


  • Debt and disgraceful both start with D

  • SNC Lavalin, how can a party be trusted after this mess is exposed?

  • Every time I hear of another Canadian killed off in another country, promoting peace. I want them here in Canada.

  • We need the pipeline coast to coast, we are missing out on Billions of off shore dollars, that could (should) help reduce the debt. Not to mention the thousands of jobs it would create.


  • I like the CFL over the NFL! There, I said it!

  • Players are making too much money! Make it with incentives, then the fan would at least see the player is earning it. Not letting an agent hold the player hostage to a team for what they had done in the past (generally most recently), and demanding money based on other bad contracts for other players. Teams become cash handcuffed when the players salary and their contributions to the team don’t match! They can’t get rid of them, so they don’t have money to reward the players that are producing. The fans are the big losers here!!


  • Will grow fewer peppers this year, couldn’t give them away quick enough.

  • Will only grow tomatoes, cucumbers, and zucchini, no garlic this year.

  • In the garlic tub I am going to try to grow marijuana. I can legally grow 4 plants, many only try 2. Want to document how this attempt goes, and I have a couple of friends that would gladly take the product off my hands and give me their opinion on the success or failure of the crop.

My Sports

  • The turnout for bowling this winter has been poor. However Bob, John and myself have been pretty regular. I think we are going to put a team together for the fall season. Getting fitted for a ball has been helped me become a little more consistent. Still able to miss some easy spares (@#%$) oops, inside voice!

  • Since the announcement of the sale of TGCC, the members were all hunting for alternatives for the upcoming year.

  • I couldn’t justify joining a new club and playing initiation, not sure how long this old body is going to let me play golf. So , I took another approach, I got a part time job at Glencairn GCC, close to my house, as a Marshall/Starter. Should still get 2-3 rounds a week, which is plenty. And get the use of the practice facilities.

  • Good news, the instructor I get lessons from is back. Look out every one! Well here’s hoping.

Well , got a bunch of random stuff off my chest, feel taller already! In closing, I am going to get a couple of guys together and hold a Hot Stove Lounge and discuss the LEAFS. Will offer beer and munchies. I will make a couple of questions and moderate. And hopefully post the VLOG.

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