There She Grows!

There She Grows!!
In my defense, April/May is Comp/Recital time at the De Caire household!
Also, planting and seed growth progress has not been near as quick as anticipated.
The Germination of my marijuana seeds went well. Soaked the seeds in water, kept them in a damp paper towel until they grew taproots. Excited that this went so well. Then progresss has seemed to come to a halt. Planted 2 seeds in a hydroponic Aero Garden and the other 3 in small pots.

Before I planted the 2 seeds in the Aero Garden I had planted 3 seeds of a Trumpet Vine in the Aero Garden. They have sprouted, but the marijuana seeds still have not shown any signs of life. Of the 3 pots for the marijuana seeds, only one has shown signs of life. I have been in touch with the company where I purchased the seeds (Growers Choice Seeds) for any suggestions they can recommend. They also guarantee their seeds so I may get replacement s and try again. Once the weather becomes better I will attempt to replant the plant that is growing presently. In this container I will put the Trumpet Vines and a couple of Sunflowers that I am also growing from seed.

On the garden side, I have cut back. Last year I had so many peppers I could giveaway and pickle them quick enough. So this year I have planted only 2 sweet and 2 hot peppers. The one hot pepper is a Scotch Bonnet, these are very hot. I will probably still purchase a Jalapeño plant. For veggies, only planted 2 tomatoes, 2 cucumbers, 2 zucchinis and a squash.
OK FOR SOME REASON??? PICTURES ARE NOT LOADING UP . PRETTY SURE I DIDN'T HIT A WRONG BUTTON (um well maybe) My plan is to do a followup blog with a gallery of the gardens. here's hoping!!!
The garden, well I was very pleased to see the perennials from last year all survived. I have filled in with more perennials. In a couple of years I hope most of the gardens are full and colorful and most importantly… maintenance free!!!!
Purchase a couple of Lavender plants for the patio, and I must agree, they do seem to keep the mosquitoes away. My go to plant this year seems to be Sedum, I used them in the front magnolia garden as well as a small raided garden in the back yard.
Both of the rhododendron plants are starting to flower. As well the Peonies are getting ready to bloom .
I have attached a few other pictures to show you the gardens at present and the planters.
It is an obsession if you do it always. I seldom go to nurseries in the winter! So there!! But at this time of year, fairly frequently, not daily, but often would be a good word. In my most recent visit I found a different type of Tamarix bush, so magically it jumped onto my cart. Will keep you posted on its progress throughout the year. The Tamarix that I thought I had lost to hungry bunnies has come back, much shorter as the bunnies, with the help of all the show during winter, were able to eat the top of the bush above the wire guard I had thought would prevent the snacking.