Spring Forward

The excitement of Spring has had a damper put on it in the name of Corona Virus, alias COVID-19. So many things you take for granted are changed. You can’t just hop in your car and take a quick trip to the hardware store or the nursery. I did however receive my Vesey care packages of seeds and other stuff! Got the grow light mounted in the corner of the laundry room. Have some seed germinating and others in small paper pots. Two different types of poppies have poked their heads out of the soil, along with both types of Sunflowers and the Lemon Grass. The seeds I germinated I just put into small pots today. Not too sure if I like the progress of the Cucamelon seeds.
Lots of changes for the backyard before all the outdoor planting can be done. Since we have finally bit the bullet and have arranged to get the concrete around the pool replaced. This means that all the plants, vegetables, and marijuana we had growing on the far end of the concrete needs to be moved. Let me just say, the Wicking Watering system is great…until you need to move it, since I have rocks in the bottom of all of the raised gardens. Not too sure the big garden is going to make the cut.

Actually it will make the cut, but with a reciprocating saw! Couple that with the fact that I need 4 separate containers for the marijuana, and I was replacing the 3 pots that have always been near the pool. As large as the yard is, with many new containers required, it will take some careful planning, under the supervision of Jodi.
Enough Garden talk for now, Let’s all be careful and collectively, we can get this nasty Virus under control before any needless lives are lost. Please Monitor your health, take the proper measures to insure your safety. Valuable Buzz Words SELF ISOLATE, SOCIAL DISTANCING, and of course WASH YOUR HANDS! Hope to hear from all of you as soon as this menace has been harnessed.