How's it Growing?

It seems every blog starts the same way! Excuses, excuses… why I haven’t posted a Blog earlier. Well this time, the primary excuse is the backyard. It has been a war zone with contractors in and out getting the changes we wanted to the pool and surrounding concrete. It has not gone quite as quickly as I had hoped. As of today, the concrete contractor will be here at least 3 more times. They still need to finish the bull nose around the edge of the pool, finish the sides of the concrete, then a wash, before the final sealing is done to the stamped finish. Once that is done the pool people still need to do some work on the inside of the pool before they can install the new liner. Once that is done, add water, and me!
Working around the contractors visits I have been trying to get everything growing. I was late again getting my marijuana germinated and planted. I have pictures of their size when a brought them outside for planting and a current picture since I have planted them in the fabric planters, about 2 ½ weeks ago.
The flowers have been progressing well, lost a couple when the concrete was removed, had nearly all of my sunflowers, that I had in pots, become playthings for one of the many chipmunks that seem to like our backyard this year. a big plus is the Milkweed that have matured nicely for the Monarchs. In the gardens I was admiring the growth of all of the plants I started from seeds indoors. Their progress has stalled as we have been hit by a hurricane in the gardens on a regular basis. The name of the hurricane is Oakley. He has taken up the void left by the absence of Penny, who also enjoyed a stroll through the gardens.
Veggies seem to be progressing properly, the zucchini has a number already growing, much at the cost of success for my cucamelon. Luckily I had another plant growing , so I have planted it in a large pot. It already has some buds showing so I hope to have some positive updates in the near future. The regular cucumber has quite a few buds on it and I noticed a little one forming.
The tomatoes have tons of flowers, so I expect them to start producing shortly. The peppers adjusted to having their raised garden moved and all plants are starting to display peppers growing.
As always, I will add a few pictures, Even one for Canada Day! Thanks for your patience,