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Political Rant. Good for the Soul!

Inevitably, age forces everyone to pay some attention to Politics. In my youth, I found my ideals aligned with the Liberal Party. Pierre Trudeau, globe trotting, outspoken, flamboyant, he had my attention. As well he put Canada on the map. Other countries suddenly know we were not just a vast land north of the United States. I was too young, or ignorant to worry about money and/or debt.

On the provincial front, the first Premiere I remembered was Bill Davis. Was this the beginning of me turning Conservative?I never really thought of myself as affiliating with one party or another, although I did canvas for Morley Kells (Liberal) , in the Lakeshore, more because of Fraternity and Lacrosse ties This is all so confusing!

I have no loyalty.

I remember being mesmerized by Paul Martin, who was at that time the Finance Minister.

He stood at the podium with a tote board behind him, it had a big number that was ra[idly increasing in size. It was our National Debt. I saw him speak again, the number was still increasing, but not near as quickly. That party was pouting in place programs to reduce debt. Definitely not popular with everyone, but in my mind, a step in the right direction

Fast Forward to the Present! I do not feel any confidence in our present group of party leaders

Blanchet, Yves-Francois, Bloc Quebecois

The name says it all. The only care he has for the rest of Canada, Outside of Quebec, is how many 100’s of Millions he can extract from the rest of Canada, by crying poverty. Good thng our present PM protects and provides for Quebec repeatedly. HMMM! Is it just a coincidence that a large portion of the Trudeau Family Holdings and wealth are aligned to companies in Quebec?

Singh, Jagmeet, New Democratic Party

Stands tall, talks big because, as long as there are Liberals and Conservative parties he will not be elected Prime Minister. His platform is noble, but unrealistic, in light of our financial position

(Ed. note: Hell in a HandBasket comes to mind)

O’Toole, Erin, Progressive Conservartive

Take that smirk of your face. I want to like you, but you make it hard to do. Do you write your own speeches, or do you have writers? If you have writers, fire them immediately. Your comments revolve solely around shortcomings of the Prime Minister and his party.

Every time you spoke during the just past Election Debate, you physically turned your body to face Trudeau. I would prefer to hear you give me tangible programs to help Canadians, with costs and actual time frames. Give me something to agree with and sink my teeth into.

Trudeau, Justin, Liberal Party, P.M.

Please reduce the number of knee jerk financial solutions you put into place. You need to address the most important issues, our Country is facing

I am not convinced any of this group is worth being elected. But someone wins in the end, even if it is a minority. So rather than hatred, disdain and mud slinging, why not collectively address and determine the most pressing issues our Country has presently. To me the most pressing issue is the growing debt. How can it be harnessed? Reduction of offshore donations, start developing and better marketing our own products and natural resources to bring offshore money into our country. Collectively i would like to think that we can determine what problems need attended to first, not who is the loudest! Donations to foreign countries while our debt spirals out of control is not prudent.

Make a list of our natural resources and products and determine how to improve exports. Such as,: Oil. Wheat, Lumber, and Potatoes, just to name a few.

Canada could generate hundreds of millions of offshore dollars by the sale of oil. Side Bar: also don't sell oil out of Quebec for less than it sells it to Ontario. To achieve this we need the pipeline coast to coast. This would create 1000’s of jobs nationwide, reducing unemployment, which is presently a huge burden on the federal budget. Sounds like a WIN WIN!

With all the boards we have in Canada for Chicken, Eggs, Milk, Pork etc., why don’t we increase the quotas and reduce the amounts imported for these items.

Better utilizing our own natural resources and products is good for our economy. Strategically increasing exports of these products is definitely very good for our overall economy.

How can the Government help?

  1. Finish the pipeline

Creates jobs

Makes us less reliant on the US

Stimulates building

Improve maritime economy as fishing declines.

  1. Reduce some of their costs

Gasoline Tax

Income Tax

This will give more tangible income to the masses, that would in turn, transfuse the economy

  1. Eliminate offshore donations until we are in a better economic state in Canada

  1. Make budgets that it can afford (and us !)

I tried to talk to one of our local councilors in Milton, but he never got back to me. My idea is Seniors that have lived in their homes for more than 15 years are exempt from paying property taxes. To take this exemption, they must provide invoices for the fiscal year totaling their taxes. Repairs to their houses must be performed by local trades people. My reasoning is, that Seniors cannot always afford to make the repairs on their older homes, but this would free up a reasonable amount of money for these repairs. As well, our local trades would benefit from more work. They may even need to increase their number of employees and that would reduce unemployment.

OK I should have written all these thoughts down.I seem to be rambling and I haven’t even started my blog on the Leaf game on Friday against San Jose. That will have to wait

Always feels better to get these thoughts off my chest. Agree or disagree, let me know.

I always appreciate your thoughts.



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