Remember Me!

I used to do blogs, not as regularly as I should, but to be honest the Pandemic and now the George Floyd death has been filling much of my time. I doubt I will ever find the truth concerning either of these life altering situations. Conspiracy Theories for both of the situations seem to have an abundance of truths??? to make them possible.
I cannot lie, I am disappointed in the federal government moving too slowly on issues I personally feel need immediate attention, and too quickly on increasing the debt to an amount will never be paid back in my lifetime. For the life of me I cannot understand how Canada is expected to keep giving money to other counties when our economy is shattered and our debt is out of control. More and more it seems that Justin Trudeau is trying to please many countries, just not sure he shouldn’t take care of home first.
Not to be outdone, the Provincial government should be appalled at the findings concerning the government assisted long term care facilities. Can the expression “Culling the Herd” be bandied around or would that just be to offensive.
If the government wants to kick-start the economy, they should modify their internal expenses, starting with salaries. Allow small businesses to re-open if they can prove that they have their facility “Covid Safe”. Meaning, they would have sanitary programs in place, a limit on the number of patrons at one time, and masks for patrons policy in place. Allow small businesses that have been without any revenue stream to raise their prices 13% for a period twice as long as they have been closed, that way allowing them to recover some of the revenue they have lost, and hopefully save them from having to close down permanently. Reward Canadians that can provide proof that they are spending their money within Canada a tax credit of ???? $500.00 or $1000.00. Example, travel holidays, or major household purchases. Quick question, why are Canadians not utilizing our own natural resources first, example, Oil and Fuel? Wouldn’t it be nice for the both governments to reduce the amount of tax on fuel, thus reducing the price and again allowing Canadians to help in the recovery process. We should encourage Canadian Manufacturers to proudly display a Made in Canada Red Flag on their products to bring awareness to the benefits of Canadians buying Canadian. I did appreciate the Ontario Premier being quick to speak up against opening the US/Canada Borders. Phew, that feels better, getting rid of that bottled up anger, distrust, and uncertainty.
Now to more pressing issues, the pool liner is gone, the concrete around the pool is gone thanks to SCP Stamped Concrete Pros, Halton Pool is digging up the lines and skimmer to replace, then the new concrete goes in, then the new liner goes in, then…Water! Then Splish Splash I was taking a Dip!
On the garden front, OK I’m not a big weed puller, but this year I am making a reasonable attempt at defeating the dreaded Goutweed. After dismantling the large raised garden I have cut back immensely on veggies for this year, a couple of tomatoes, a cucumber, a zucchini, and my cucamelon that is not growing nearly as quickly as I had hoped. I have reduced the peppers to 4, 2 hot and 2 sweet.
Around the yard, the Tamarix will be showcased in pictures this summer. My catchall garden in the back corner is getting some character as some of the wildflower seeds I planted seem to be coming to life.
The garden under the dining room window will be pretty much the same, only the hostas are bigger. The main garden, off from the deck is now filling in as time has allowed many of the plants to mature. The peonies are getting ready to bloom, the Rhododendrons are blooming now. All of the Hydrangeas are growing up nicely. I am pretty pleased with the wooden planters I made this year from primarily the perennials I had in an assortment of planters. I am avoiding pictures this time as the back yard is busy with workers, and I don’t want to interrupt their progress. Pictures next time I promise. TTFN, Stay safe, Stay Well!
# Covid#Pandemic#Opinions#Flowers#Tamarix#Peppers#Cucamelon